Tesla Soul Communication® is a healing method where the healer and the client journey together from communicating on the level of the conscious mind, to reaching the subconscious mind and even transcending further to the level of the integrative mind. The healer goes to the Source to bring the message. The client does not have to, and most of the time is not physically present when this method is being performed. This communication transcends communication with words. This is the communication through meaning, images and emotions. The practitioner writes down everything as it comes through, without processing it through his logical mind or correcting it.
The only purpose of this process is healing; it has nothing to do with fortune-telling or scanning for medical diagnosing. In cases where some clients could not notice any significant improvement after three sessions of Tesla Healing Metamorphosis, the process of Tesla Soul Communication might help them to understand why they are preventing themselves from the healing. They might discover how and why they might be sabotaging themselves, or creating a situation or condition which is blocking them from going forward, from making a change. This method could also help us to find out the cause of an illness. There were cases where clients had discovered that they manifested a disease to punish themselves, or to punish somebody else, or to get attention, or to avoid changes in their life. The cause also could be a trauma from childhood, some experiences from a previous life, our resistance to accepting some situation or some truths, a stumble in our struggle to transcend the limitations that are created as a result of some personal belief systems; it could be anything. We keep in our subconscious mind many memories; thoughts, emotions, images, beliefs. Some of them are not pleasant. The events that were difficult to deal with, experiences that we want to forget, we push them into our subconscious mind. The problem is that they interfere with our life influencing our reactions, creating fears and illnesses. The process of Tesla Soul Communication helps us in bringing those issues from the subconscious to the conscious level, where we will be able to deal with them and to transcend the problem. As Jung said: “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life, and you will call it fate.” Tesla Soul Communication can also help us tremendously on our journey of discovering our mission and purpose in this lifetime.
Tesla Soul Communication allows us to establish communication in a very simple procedure, without a need of using any symbols or rituals. It is created through meaning, emotions and images. This is communication beyond words. Then we “translate” this into words which we write down. It is learned at Tesla Metamorphosis II seminar. Though there is no attunement performed, all students manage to create communication, and they were not aware of such abilities before. The purple colour in their auras in PIP camera images shows that Tesla Waves elevated their consciousness on the level of the Crown Chakra, and that empowers them to transcend space and time, and create communication with their clients.
It is a special challenge to do Tesla Soul Communication on oneself. This way you can get to know yourself better, you can unveil some truths you might be hiding from yourself. This process might help you understand better your reactions in some situations and clarify your true motives and your goals.