

The prerequisites to register for Mentoring Tesla Metamorphosis Program are the successfully completed Tesla Healing Metamorphosis, Tesla Soul Communication, and Tesla Light Body Metamorphosis seminars, successfully completing the performance of the Tesla Light Body Metamorphosis test, at least one year of active practice, with at least 60 registered healings, and at least 20 Tesla Light Body Metamorphosis performed and registered.
Please do not make payments before completing the test of the Tesla Light Body Metamorphosis performance. After filling in the Registration Form, we will contact you to organise time for the performance of the Tesla Light Body Metamorphosis.
In this seminar, you will learn how to explain the principles of Tesla Metamorphosis to others and how to present this work publicly. You will also learn how to assist in seminars and mentor other Tesla Metamorphosis practitioners if they need to refresh their knowledge.

This seminar includes practical exercises, a written test, and your prepared oral presentation.

This course is intensive, with an emphasis on personalised instruction in all areas. Graduates get conferred the Practitioner Mentor status for a period of 12 months. Continuous skill enhancement and learning are requirements for retaining status.
After the successful completion of this seminar, you will be eligible to mentor other practitioners who might need to refresh any of the first three Tesla Metamorphosis seminars, individually or in small groups, to present this work publicly and to assist in seminars. It is necessary to remain active in different fields of mentoring work and to be updated constantly, to retain the Mentoring status.

Seminar times:
Four days 10 am - 6 pm * finishing times are approximate. Depending on the candidates and their timezone, we will adjust the times. We also might split time into 4 hours sessions in 8 days.
Practice and discussions during Tesla Healing Metamorphosis, Tesla Soul Communication Metamorphosis, and Tesla Light Body Metamorphosis seminars in one city are part of this seminar.