Seminars Description

Tesla Metamorphosis seminars and presentations are offered worldwide. Lectures and practical exercises are held in a very caring and friendly atmosphere. Every student is given personal attention.

Who should attend these seminars?
People from all walks of life who have a personal or professional interest in health, consciousness evolution, spirituality and the growth of human potential will be interested in attending these seminars. Everybody has equal possibilities; teachers, farmers, doctors, plumbers, Reiki masters...  No previous experience in healing is needed. You will connect with healing Tesla waves and establish a powerful, permanent connection with the source of this healing energy, light and information under Anya's direct guidance.



This event is obligatory for the attendees of the Tesla Healing Metamorphosis seminar as it is a part of the seminar where you will learn all the theory and philosophy behind Tesla Metamorphosis. It is also open to the public, so you are welcome to invite your friends and family.


Seminar times:
Friday 7 pm - 9 pm

finishing time is approximate


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Discover the healer within!

This seminar might bring about the metamorphosis of your life. You will immediately access Tesla healing frequencies that can initiate the establishment of the perfect balance of light, characteristic for a healthy body, mind, and emotion.  You will learn how to heal others, to heal yourself, your pets, plants, food, water, even situations. No other modality uses those complex, multidimensional frequencies of energy, including Tesla Waves, which can bring the transformation of the whole being to the degree where even birth deformities and a physically injured spine could be reconstructed.

You will also learn how to radiate Love from your heart chakra, which is very important for the process of healing. It is also an equally powerful survival tool in your everyday life, because, if we radiate love, there are minimum chances that someone or something will attack us.

Everybody can master this healing work over one weekend, and help their family, friends, pets, flowers and the planet Earth to get healed. The seminar includes healing others, self-healing, and distant healing. 

You need to be present for the full seminar. After the completion of this seminar, you will be certified and eligible to work professionally as a Tesla Healing Metamorphosis Practitioner.

There are no prerequisites to register for this seminar.

Seminar times:
Friday 7 pm - 10 pm

Saturday 10 am - 6 pm

Sunday 10 am - 6 pm
* finishing times are approximate

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Transcend space and time and create communication with your client on the level of the conscious, subconscious, and integrative mind!

Using Tesla Waves, with Anya's assistance, you will discover your abilities that you might not be aware of at present.  Our experience from Tesla Soul Communication Metamorphosis seminars shows that we work with heart intelligence. Tesla Waves accelerate the level of consciousness, and even if you have never had the awareness that you were capable of communicating on the soul level, you will spontaneously get into the state of consciousness where you can create communication with your client on the level of the conscious, subconscious and integrative mind. During this communication, you will write down everything that comes through.


The first exercise is with photos, then we work with just a name written on a piece of paper and so on. Each student brings a printed photo of somebody who needs healing (not on a mobile phone). The photos are placed on the table face down. Students chose a photo to work on, avoiding the photo they have brought. If it happens that somebody selects a photo of someone whom he knows, he returns the photo and changes it for a photo of someone whom he does not know. When you choose the photo which you will bring into the class, it is important to choose a person whom you know well enough to be able to give feedback to the student who will be doing the session with this photo. Eyes f the person on the photo should be clearly visible.

There is great excitement in the class when students discover from the feedback they are given, that there are no doubts that they were communicating with this particular person, that the one who brought the photo can recognise the style, bywords and attitude of the person in the photo.

The special challenge is to perform Tesla Soul Communication on yourself.  Tesla Soul Communication Metamorphosis is equally useful for the Tesla Metamorphosis practitioners, as for their clients. This is a very precious tool which can help you discover your own hidden feelings, your masked fears, our true motives, your potentials and purpose; to help you become a better human being. You might change your behaviour and attitudes towards yourself, as well as towards all other beings. You can reach the awareness of your whole being from all different aspects. You can gain knowledge of why and how we can heal ourselves. Also, working with Tesla Soul Communication Metamorphosis will help you develop your intuition and elevate your consciousness, to work on the evolution of our soul.

Please bring a photo of somebody who needs healing with clearly visible eyes, and whom you know well enough to be able to give feedback. You will also need a notebook from which you can tear pages.


The prerequisite to register for this seminar is to have successfully completed Tesla Healing Metamorphosis seminar. You need to be present for the full seminar.

After the completion of this seminar, you will be certified and eligible to work professionally as a Tesla Soul Communication Metamorphosis Practitioner.

Seminar times:
Tuesday - Thursday 6 - 10 pm
* finishing times are approximate

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Learn how to perform Tesla Light Body Metamorphosis!

This process is precise, and activates energy streams (axiatonal lines) and centers (small and large chakras) in the human body, bringing it toward the perfect light balance. You will be able to help your family and all others to reach their potentials. You will help them in their personal growth; on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level.

The prerequisite to register for this seminar is to have successfully completed the Tesla Healing Metamorphosis seminar and to have had your personal Tesla Light Body Metamorphosis done before the Tesla Light Body Metamorphosis Seminar commences.  If you still do not have your personal Tesla Light Body Metamorphosis done,

please contact us to book the sessions.  (The fee for Tesla Light Body Metamorphosis is not included in the seminar price.)


Each student will receive a set of drawings, but you need to bring a ruler and pencils or felt pens in at least six different colours.

You need to be present for the full seminar and to demonstrate that you have learned the process before receiving a certificate. Merely attending the seminar does not guarantee you will receive a certificate. After the completion of this seminar, you will be certified and eligible to work professionally as a Tesla Light Body Metamorphosis Practitioner.

Seminar times:
Friday 6pm - 10 pm
Saturday 10am - 6pm
Sunday 10am - 6pm
* finishing times are approximate

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The prerequisites
to register for the Mentoring Tesla Metamorphosis Program are the successfully completed Tesla Healing Metamorphosis, Tesla Soul Communication, and Tesla Light Body Metamorphosis seminars, successfully completing the test of the performance of Tesla Light Body Metamorphosis, at least one year of active practice, with at least 60 registered healings, and at least 20 Tesla Light Body Metamorphosis performed and registered.
Students will learn to articulate the principles of Tesla Metamorphosis, deliver compelling presentations, and effectively assist in seminars. They will also develop the skills to mentor other Tesla Metamorphosis practitioners if they need to refresh their knowledge and skills. This intensive course emphasises personalised instruction in all areas. It includes practical exercises and a written test. Each student needs to perform a prepared PowerPoint presentation. Practice in assisting on Tesla Healing Metamorphosis, Tesla Soul Communication Metamorphosis, and Tesla Light Body Metamorphosis seminars in one city and discussions related to this learning and experience are also part of this seminar.

After successfully completing the Tesla Metamorphosis Mentoring Program, graduates are eligible to mentor other practitioners who might need to refresh any of the first three Tesla Metamorphosis seminars, individually or in small groups, to present this work publicly and to assist in seminars. Graduates are conferred the Tesla Metamorphosis Mentor status for a period of 12 months. Continuous skill enhancement and learning are required. To retain the mentoring status, one must remain active in different fields of mentoring work and be constantly updated.

Seminar times:
Four days  10 am - 6 pm * finishing times are approximate

If you are ready to attend the Mentoring Program, let us know.



This program is attended by invitation only. The prerequisite to register for the Tesla Metamorphosis Teaching Program is a current  Tesla Metamorphosis Mentoring status, experience in assisting on seminars, well-performed public presentations, three years of active practice with at least 100 registered healings and at least 50 Tesla Light Body Metamorphosis performed and registered. Candidates must have at least three years of team training experience, coaching experience, and good skills in one of the following languages: English, Spanish, Russian, French, or German. They should have shown expertise in presenting Tesla Metamorphosis® to the public and be capable of developing excellent coaching and teaching skills.

Upon successfully completing the program, you will be certified as a Tesla Metamorphosis Instructor Associate, qualified to teach Tesla Healing Metamorphosis, Tesla Soul Communication, and Tesla Light Body Metamorphosis seminars.